Oct 31, 2013

What Do You Want God To Do In Your Life?

From Terry: 

We began our Wednesday night fellowship dinners again, taking as many clients that want to attend to Covenant Presbyterian Church for dinner with members; followed by a small group. It's a great success so far; after three weeks. Although we do offer the option to leave campus after dinner, so far, not even one person has asked for a ride back to the Drag at 6:30pm. Everyone has stayed for the small group afterward. 

A co-leader has been preparing a class each week on a simple parable. This particular week was on how to pray The Lord's Prayer, and the parable of the stranger at night. 

As we closed our discussion, I prompted the group to let me know how I could be praying with them by asking, "What do you want God to do in your life?" I got few responses. So, I prompted them several more times, probably freaking out my two co-leaders. But slowly, the numbness wore off, and the clients allowed their true wants to come to the surface. "A place to live." "Money." "Happiness." In the middle of these and other answers, one young man simply said, "Forgiveness." 

We closed our session in prayer and began looking for drivers to take the clients back to the Drag. I arranged to take the young man, who said forgiveness, back alone. On the way back, he played the radio. Eventually, I turned it down and told him that I needed to follow-up. I wanted to know more about the forgiveness he wanted in his life. We talked a bit in the dark truck cab. He knows he does wrong. He knows he's been a burden on his parents. But he wants forgiveness in these things and more.

I shared how the Gospel works, forgiveness in exchange for asking and believing. It sounds too good to be true. And it would be if anyone else in the universe were promising it. But God IS trustworthy. The client wasn't sure yet, but we are continuing to work on it. 

Please pray that this client comes to understand the grace of Jesus Christ. Please pray for all clients that suffer from numbness. Help the desires of their heart to break through, because no matter how much sin is in their life or has touched their life, some of their desires are truly good and noble. And these desires will give rise to the desire to know the One who is holy and worthy, and the source of all goodness in the universe. 

And that will be a great day for each of them!

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