Our wonderful volunteers already provide vegetable soup, roasted vegetables and bare sandwiches weekly, so your donations will elevate our meal above the basics:
- drink flavorings to add a little fun to water,
- condiments to customize a special sandwich,
- stew meat for the soup pot,
- packaged chips for when we’re offering to-go lunches outside.

For every donation of $5, we can brighten a week of water with drink flavorings. $25 buys individual chip packages for a month of street lunch. $50 purchases lunch meat and cheese for a week of sandwiches.

Street Youth Ministry serves about 100 street youth every week and meets about 350 new clients every year. We provide safe places to obtain basic needs and engage our clients wherever they are in their journey. Together we explore relevant issues including family, physical and mental health, drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and life goals. We are faith-based but open to all.
Half our clients are between 17 and 25; all are homeless. We also provide textbooks for those who go on to college, and we have many doing so! You may learn much more about us by visiting www.StreetYouthMinistry.org.
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