Apr 3, 2021

From 'Sideshow' to solid citizen

SYMin counseling set Simon
on the road to a productive life

  His name is Simon, but when he first came to us in 2016, he called himself “Sideshow,” behaved badly and covered his body with clown tattoos, as if to show why. He had spent seven years hopping freight trains and living in abandoned buildings and under bridges.
   He found his way to one of our counseling groups, where he got in touch with the challenges he faced. Like many clients, he puzzled about what he wanted to do. Over the next two years, he visited us 59 times, spending 67 hours collecting food or supplies or taking counseling, before leaving town in 2018.
   This Christmas, he reappeared, driving his pickup truck and sharing with us the news that he had spent the summer as a senior firefighter on a federal Wildland Fire crew in the western U.S. He was in town to certify as an EMT. While here, he helped transport potable water to families that had none during the February ‘SNOVID’ disaster. “I had to get to such a difficult and terrible place that I was willing to make a change,” he recalled. “I entered a Job Corps in the Pacific Northwest. I accepted discipline and hard work. I love mentoring others now.” He said he has accepted Christ.
   “I lead a team of firefighters today. I get them physically fit, mentor them and lead them into forest fires. You guys helped me so much, and I just wanted to stop by and say thanks.”

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