Jul 27, 2013

Advice to a Client Fighting With Relapse

I am contacted by clients who are recovering but fighting with urges to relapse from time to time. They come to me wanting a Christian viewpoint. Here are some of the things I give them to meditate, think and pray over. We'd love to know what you think or would add...

There is no sin in considering a relapse. Only the doing would be a sin.

Christian sobriety occurs by being weak in yourself, humbling and submitting yourself to God, and allowing Jesus or the Holy Spirit to be strong in you. Strength comes from allowing yourself to be weak and leaning on Him.

Jesus has already done everything it takes for you to be forgiven, fully healed, and make you into more than you could ever imagine. You have to accept that GIFT from Jesus and allow it to happen. It won't happen over night. And it's not without struggle (for anyone). And it's not always "up" and "happy." But the life God has planned for your, dreams for you, wants for you, is better than any drug or high or drunk you could ever attain.

Jesus is with you. So if you were to relapse, he's right there with you. Don't try to hide or shrink away. Sometimes knowing that is enough to stop people. He can be the ultimate accountability buddy.

Staying sober is for you. It's a choice you have to make. But relapsing hurts more than just you. And staying sober will benefit more than just you. Following God's plan for your life will allow you to be a blessing for many, many people in future situations you can barely imagine. So don't forget those reasons outside of yourself not to mess that up. It's for you and for all of them, too.

Stay sober for you. You're a beautiful and wonderful person, created in God's image and for many great purposes. The devil tells you many lies about drugs and highs and drunks. They are just that... lies.

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