Here are some of their thoughts taken down at Amy's Ice Cream, as we celebrated the first annual taking of Christian leaders from Street Youth Ministry to the conference!
It was not by accident that we attended the conference. Speakers said this many times. God put us there. God puts things in peoples' paths to help them become leaders. and eventually he comes to them with a task. Things happen for a reason.
People at the conference were very friendly and treated me with respect. One guy told me to stay how I am, because I can reach people who might not trust a normal looking person.
It was nice to see people who were not afraid to show and act on their faith in Christ. They people speaking got up before a hundred thousand people to make a difference with their words. And not to benefit themselves. For at least a moment, they gave me that same courage!
A lady came up to me to tell me that it angers her that there aren't enough services for people who like on the street like I do. And she told me that she admires my courage and strength! I don't always feel like I have courage, but I like that she encouraged me by seeing it!
The lady pastor who cam from a messed up background, Christine Caine, impressed me. Now she is able to give people hope. And she called everyone to look around and find people to help out!
I loved hearing from people with real experiences, who have been doing things a long time. I really liked the GE dude, Jack Welch.
I loved the drama they enacted from the feeding of the 5000 and getting out of the boat. It reminded me to keep my faith, even when I have very little of it, because God can multiply it!
It was so great to see people reading and teaching from the Bible with such passion and such character!
The author of The Land Between, Jeff Manion, hit me hard. We're all kind of stuck here, just trying to get to the other side. I was having a very hard time before I came, even angry at God. Now I see a way forward through the desert and out of the desert, but not staying stuck in the desert.
"To know, love and serve street dependent youth."
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