
Dec 25, 2010

Gingerbread House Project

Each year, the street youth and I make a gingerbread house as an art therapy project. We make the structure from cardboard and then cover it with goodies. They eat as much as they can stand along the way. It is so much fun to watch the youth be kids again. And each year we write a story to go with the house. Here is this year's story. Note that each sentence or idea is contributed by youth as part of the group.
The land and money for our building were given by people who care about all the street kids we have lost this year: Tink, Andre, Meredith, Billy, Question, Yard Sale, Irene and others. The land is in Dallas and it is downtown. There are two buildings. There is a street in front and an alley in back.
The roof is flat so cool things can happen up there. They have a big evergreen tree on the roof. At night they have campfires and singing up there. The AA group meets up there at noon. The seats are logs from the woods. 

Dec 17, 2010

Meredith Simmons Nov 25 1983 - Dec 12 2010

Twenty grieving street youth stood and sat in a circle around the tree on a cold and dreary day at 4pm. As we began our memorial service, more came. Each arrival was greeted with hugs and comfort. This community of street-dependent young people had assembled to say a farewell to a dear friend. Some had known her for 9 years. Some only one year. Some only a month. A few didn't know here at all but came to support fellow brothers and sisters of the street community in their loss. But all were touched by the beautiful person of Meredith Kay Lynch Simmons.

We began with a prayer asking for peace and healing and that any untrue words spoken would be quickly forgotten. Then we listened to a song selected by some of Meredith's friends: "Missed Me" by The Dresden Dolls. It's a playful song that captures a bit of the humor and charm that Meredith shared everywhere she went. And yet it's a bit of a dark song, too. Just like Mere.

Immediately afterward, I read Psalm 150 to begin a period of sharing the celebrations of Meredith:
  • She helped me out nine years ago when I didn't even know I needed help.
  • She always shared her smile with me.
  • Her humor was so wonderful. She always made me laugh.
  • I loved the way she pulled together an outfit. I mean really. It wouldn't work for most people but she made it work.
  • I heard her read the gospel at my church. Her voice was so beautiful. She touched so many people just that one day.
Then we listed to Amanda Palmer sing Hallelujah. This is an artist that Meredith liked and reminded her friends of her own voice. I then read Romans 12:15 and announced, "Meredith is no longer with us in the same way as last week. Please share how you grieve and mourn for this terrible tragedy. You are among friends and we are listening to one another."

Dec 10, 2010

"I just didn't know"

He was sitting with a group of kids new to town. They have come in together from Arizona in an old minivan, although they joined up on the road along the way. His name was "Sammy" and he's about 19 years old. Sammy didn't want anything, although most of the others took a sandwich, chips and some water. Sammy did want socks. As he changed socks, he began to tell me a little about himself.

These two sentences stuck out to me: "I kicked heroin by drinking alcohol. I just didn't know alcohol would be harder." He went on to tell me that he has had seven seizures in the past few weeks from alcohol withdrawal.

"I'm tried to stop drinking, but I have seizures. So now I'm trying to reduce my drink. Today I've hardly had anything. Feel my forehead--it's sweaty and hot." As he told me his story, tears ran down his cheeks. "I don't want to be like this. I don't like my existence like this."

I explained that there were three ways to stop, and none of them are cold turkey without medical help. "Twelve Steps works for many people--the most, I would say. A thousand steps works for some--that is, slowly reducing and continually reducing the harm to yourself. And one step works for some people--that is, a radical healing by Jesus Christ through faith."

Sammy jumped in, "I'm a Christian. I love staying in the Word, but I lost my Bible." I handed him a new Bible. He grinned big, sitting on the sidewalk in front of me. He wiped away the tears. We talked some more about his options. Sammy has many barriers in the way to recovery, but he's working through it. Barriers include the street, his friends, a belief that he should be able to control his life and drinking, and a deep hatred of his life.

We need to pray with Sammy: "Lord, help me to admit that I have a deep-seated problem. Help me to admit that I cannot control my addictions, and that I must give them over to You. Help me to realize that You have loved me always and that I must begin to change and respond to Your love by living my life in a way that honors You." What a wonderful Christmas present for Sammy. Amen.

-- Terry
"To know, love and serve street dependent youth."
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Dec 3, 2010

SYM Featured in Daily Texas Newspaper: Missionary Takes Word to Street

The Daily Texan really spent a lot of time doing this piece. It's nicely balanced. It expresses my deep prayer that community in West Austin would develop, including deeper relationships between street-dependent young people and college students.

Read the full article at dailytexanonline.com/content/missionary-takes-word-street. The print article is a bit truncated for space.

"To know, love and serve street dependent youth."
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