"What do you want God to do for you?"
I witnessed a thief at work one day on the drag. It all happened so far, I could do anything about it. The victim was probably a UT student. The thief appeared to be a high school student or maybe another UT student. No street youth were involved. I told the victim what I saw but never saw him again. I prayed for what to do after that. If I would see the victim, I would let him know I could testify. If I would see the thief, I would let him know I saw him.
The day came two weeks later. The thief was hovering around ministry. I got him off to the side and said, "I know what you did the other day. I saw you." He denied. I simply said, "We can't talk about it if you're going to lie to me." He asked, "What did you see?" I said, "I know and you know. Or maybe you do that all the time and you're not sure which time I saw? You know it did hurt the guy. It mattered to him."
"Calvin" got to know me that afternoon. I told him, "You may have gotten away with it legally... I guess we'll see. But you don't get away with it spiritually. You have to make yourself right with God on it. And God may require you to make yourself right with the guy you stole from." Calvin said he knew and would. He walked away.
Today I saw Calvin again. I asked him how he was doing. He said, "Better." I asked if he was continuing to do that bad thing. He said, "No," but looked down. As I was about to walk away to minister to someone, he grabbed my sleeve and asked, "Would you pray for me right now... right here?" I asked, "What do you want God to do for you?" "Keep me away from the street. Away from women and sex. Away from drugs. Away from alcohol." We prayed together. Calvin hung his head in shame as I asked Jesus to free him from the bonds that hold him.
I gotta say that I never expected today's encounter. Never. What a wonderful surprise and opportunity.
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