Feb 16, 2013

A privilege to Serve

We have a client who's very erratic. He's impulsive and sometimes difficult. And other times much more  "together." Here is a tale of one day...


It was our clothing closet. We had several new volunteers and regular clothing sorters buzzing about. Tim came in. He was very ill kept and obviously impulsive. He proceeded to be a real pain. I kept him in line by frequently reminders of our rules and what I needed from him. He managed to get clothing, snack, and then lay down for a nap. Finally I got a "break" from Tim.


When it was time to clean-up, I was hesitant to wake Tim. He was so peaceful and easy to manage while asleep. But I needed him to wake and begin packing up. He often packs up slowly and finds new things he needs at the end. I firmly helped him get up and get ready. I denied him further access to resources that we were putting away. And I was tough on him.


Finally, Tim was the last one there. So I called him over and asked how he was, really. This began a conversation about how he wanted to go back to school. And he began a completely together discussion with our volunteers about how we are the only people who will help him. "Terry is the only one who puts up with me. If it weren't for you guys, I know I would be dead and gone." 


I gave him a hug and reassured him that we love him and God loves him. I encouraged his plan for school but once again reiterated that it was time to go for today. And away he went. 


It is a privilege to serve Tim and all those like him. The more awful they are, the more they need help from SYM and all our donors, supporters and volunteers. Sometimes it's painful and sometimes we don't get through. But you just never know. Only God knows his plan for each of these people. And He is good and trustworthy! Amen.


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